Monday, June 2, 2008


After heading to Hunter to pay my bill, I headed to bx sci for convocations!!! Jon and Melanie had convinced me to skip the first day of classes for convocations... Its soo great going back and seeing everyone, it's such a nice feeling! I was a little disappointed that JM, Sarah, and Steve didn't make it, but at least I got to see Melanie, David, and the rest of the BXDT! I cant believe the little what used to be sophs are growing up and graduating this year! Its soo insane, I remember them as little frosh!

Melanie won the "Spirit of Forensics Award!!!" Jon had asked me to help him present it to her but I guess not lol. She was soo surprised! I had a feeling she didn't know good thing I didnt say anything either lol.

I had received the "Outstanding Alumna Award!!!" Melanie gave a speech about me, it was soo sweet! I <3 Melanie Plaza!!!

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