Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Day of Many Firsts


Today was my first day at AIG. I got to the AIG building, not the one where I work, but I guess the main AIG owned building in which they deal with human resources. I was there super early, and woke up super early... 6:15 AM to get there by 8:30 AM (I was 10 mins early and go there at 8:20...) I met with Justin (I was expecting Sue), filled out all my paperwork, then got "oriented." After the orientation, which was not what I had expected... (it was 3 new hires and the orientor) I went to get my ID card. OMG i look FAT in the picture! It's crazy!!!

I finally then proceeded to the building where I work. Joycelyn (pronounced Joyce-lin), my boss/supervisor, showed me around. The bathroom while it's in the office its in a separate hallway so you need an ID to get in and out of the hall way. After I had gotten situated Joycelyn already had work for me. I had to revise some of the testing documentation she had done. It was pretty interesting stuff, it was a combination of law, duh its the legal dept, math, and science to some extent. The testing of the legal parameters was done through sampling and testing, and then drawing conclusions. Who knew stuff from HS and college would actually would pay off?

I pretty much spent the whole day doing that, and finished right about 5PM! As I was on my way out waiting for the elevator, I see this guy who's standing in between these two sets of doors. Apparently he was stuck in there, so I tried to open them and he tried, but no luck :-\ I guess he was on his way to the bathroom and got stuck in there lol. I offered to buzz someone for him, but he said it was ok and left... I have to meet this guy, lol.

And off I was to find the Bowling Green station and on my way towards Hunter College for my first linear algebra class.


I just made it in time for class by 4 mins. Considering I had missed class yesterday for convocations, I didn't want to make myself obvious. I saw Sam and sat next to him. OMG i was soo lost and confused!!! But eventually I started to understand what we were talking about, after like 30 mins lol. We spent about an hour on homework, then he finally taught us something "new" - Matrices. I thought they were super easy as I had learned all about them in math modeling and multi. Soon enough class was over, after all it's only 1 hr 28 mins.

I stayed after class and talked to th teacher to see if I had enough of a background for the course since i haven't taken discrete or multi II. He said it would be hard but doable. After hearing more about the class and weighing my options (matrix algebra vs linear algebra). I think its definitely more beneficial to take linear algebra. At Fordham the linear class is all computational, so everyone says its super easy, this class is comparable to the matrix linear class at hunter. The linear class at hunter however, covers 1.5 as much as Fordham's class. The class covers more, involves proofs, and teaches you the theory behind the math.

This kid couldnt grasp the difference between an element and a subset, so a bunch of us tried explaining it to him for the longest time but it jsut didnt work :-\ So far the teacher seems really good and clear :) I think I'm going stick with the class. I figure having missed the class yesterday, and going from complete and utter confusion doing the hw last night, to somewhat grasping the concepts in about 1/2 hr in class today while others still couldnt, I'm doing ok comparatively.

And that's my day. Hopefully shopping w/ Melanie tomorrow!

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