Thursday, July 3, 2008

Today was a 1/2 day at work!!!! I still had night class though, so I had a few hours to kill (like 5). Rose and I met up on Wall Street, and decided to go to lunch at the Seaport food court. We ended up going to subways, where I got a Philli cheesesteak w/ cookies, and Rose got a Chicken parm w/ chips. I LOVE Subways' cookies! :)

After lunch we headed to Penn Station, since Rose was going home afterwards for the holiday weekend. We were pathetic and couldnt find our way to Penn Station from the subway station underground, so we went via above ground. On the way walking to Penn Station from the subway station, we passed MIKE SCERBO!!! What are the chances of that?!? I was like hmm that kid looks like Mike, then he said hi, and that he was heading home - lol, I guess I was right!

Rose caught the 3:30 train, so I still had at least another hour 1/2 to kill. I was headed on my way to Macy's and saw the entrance to Manhattan mall on my way, and decided to go check out what was going on there. Charlotte Russe had a big sale, I got a pretty cute dress for only $5! :)

Then I was off to class again, and got there early... So I jsut called it a day and sat near the window and chiilled.

I am suprisingly not in trouble for staying out late last night!

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