Saturday, July 19, 2008

Today Elena and I went to the city to chill. We met up and started off at Victoria's Secret in Herald Square. Victoria's Secret was like heaven to Elena, she has quite a love for bras - lol. After Victoria's Secret we did quite a bit more of shopping, we went to H&M, Forever 21, GAP, and stopped off to get Elena lunch, while i got a smoothie. I got a few shirts at Forever 21, but one of them is missing a button so I guest I have to return it :-\ Elena had never been in a store so big, and as in shock, but in a good way of course! I'm glad I was able to expose and experience her first time in a store that big with her!

Next we took the train and went to FAO Schwartz - FAO Schwartz got sooo much smaller, it was ridiculous! First, there were barely any animals in the first floor entrance area, the only thing in the back of the first floor was the candy bar and a lot of empty space. Second, the upstairs barely had anything, and the whole left wing (when you get off the elevator) was gone, there was just a wall! :-O At least we bouth found got some good candy, she got Reese Pieces, and I got sour gummy bears, YUM!!!

Afterwards we went to Elena's dorm, which was HUGE!!! We went to Strand where I got a few books:
The Maracot Deep By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The 9/11 Report by Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton
Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis

I saw a book titled "Arrowsmith" and had to get it for Reese. The back cover says the book is about a scientist that works really hard... sounds sort of like Reese, only he does stuff with computers. The book seems like something he might like.

After we went to Strand, I headed home and started reading a bit of Arrowsmith. I had so much fun w/ Elena!

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