Saturday, June 28, 2008
Dance, Dance
Friday, June 27, 2008
Gavin: Hi, is this Elizabeth?
Elizabeth (Me): Yes it is.
G: Hi, I'm Gavin. Nice to meet you!
E: Nice to meet you too!
G: How are you? I'm in Louisville right now.
E: That's cool, I'm good
G: So where are you from?
E: NY's the best state in the world
**Gavin and I laugh**
G: Awesome, are you from upstate or below?
E: I'm from Queens
G: NO WAY!!! **Super excited**
E: Yup!
G: My good friend Joey's from Queens!
E: Really?!? What part?
G: Haha, I dont know, I don't go to Queens that much, I've only been there twice.
E: Maybe you should come visit!
G: Maybe I will. Joey lives near that tunnel... the one that connects Queens to Manhattan.
E: Hmmm the Holland Tunnel? Maybe the Lincoln Tunnel? Wait no, its gotta be the Holland Tunnel.
**We were then under the impression that it was the Holland Tunnel, but I have how learned it was the Mid-Town Tunnel**
G: Yeah that's probably it.
E: I think I actually met one of your friends
G: Really...
E: Do you know a girl named Jen B?
G: Hmm I think I know a Jen, but I don't know if I know a Jen B. I'm bad w/ last names.
E: Cool. So when are you going to be back in NY? I saw you on the David Letterman Show last night.
G: Yeah, Jay Leno, I mean David Letterman, was fun. I'll actually be back in about two weeks... actually next week. We're working on a 4th of July Special.
E: Awesome, I can't wait. When will you be at your little resturant, I'd love
to meet you!
G: I usually go there when I'm in town. I might be there on the 4th of July.
E: Awesome!
G: Well it was nice meeting you...
E: Before you leave I have a quick question.. **ask about starting a charity with Gavin**
G: Nice meeting and talking to you!
E: You too!
G: Bye!
E: Bye!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I-Pod touch!!!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sweet Hair!
It was pretty fast. The wait was only about 15-20 mins, and we were out of there by 1-1:10 ish. My hair stylist was... Raul? Something that needs to be said w/ a french accent lol. He asked if I wanted my hair curled and wavy at the bottom, its like he read my mind! First he put some non-frizzing thing in my hair, then he curled it. he was shocked to find out that my hair curled so easily, apparnetly Asian hair doesnt curl that easily. But I then told him it doesnt hold well, it depend. My hair came out pretty good! The girls from work, liked it as well! :)
Elena got her hair blowed, she said he didn't do much, but her hair looked pretty awesome. Apparently he blowed her bangs and the hair around her face, which looked amazing!
After we left, we had about 20 mins left to eat. We ended up getting crepes at the food court in the mall. It was pretty good, maybe a little too much cheese? Daddy must be getting to me...
Right now it's close to 4 PM and my hair is curly at the end, not from the neck down like it was before, but it still looks cute! :)
And thats about it... for now at least.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Today was boring, just like every other day. However... on my way home as I was about to head up the stairs from the train, someone had screamed my name. I turned around and it was DANA!!! The last time I saw her was in elementary school! How insane is that?!? It was a pleasant suprise though! We switched numbers, and she called me a little earlier. Hopefully we'll get to hang out!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Piano Recital
Friday, June 20, 2008

I was supposed to meet up w/ Melanie today, but forgot my cell phone at home. So you could imagine the fun with that. But it all worked out in the end as we made it and hung out in the city. We hit up Forever 21, Daffy's and Manhattan Mall. We had some success at forever 21 and square one, but everywhere else just didn't meet par -lol. Manhattan Mall was under renovations causing it to be sooo ugly, confusing and dark
We got hungry so we were going to head to dinner, however they closed the food court! Why would you do that to a girl, or 2 girls in this case?!? So we decided to go to Melanie's favorite resturant McDonalds where we got Oreo McFlurries of course!
All in all it was a good afternoon! And we missed the rain! :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Special congrats to all of my friends - Melanie, Jan Michael, Steve, David, Sarah, Vineet, Francisco, Mike, Rohan, Lev, Stefan, Paula, Laura and anyone else I may have forgotten!
You guys are amazing, and I'm so proud of all of you!!! I wish all of you the best in college!!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What A Day!!! :)
I started the day off with a session on "How Insurance Works" from the AIG Insurance school. It was pretty educational and definetly taught me a lot that I didn't know about insurance. Apparently AIG writes the insurance that you buy from Best Buy on products. Who knew? There were A LOT of interns there, form the other deparments, way more compared to the 11 legal interns.
After the class, the compliance interns, Betsy, Chris, Matt, and Joe, and I went out do lunch at the Seaport. It was pretty fun! :)
After work I headed to class as usual. My phone kept ringing! First it was Rose, then a random 805 area code #. After class I picked up the voice mail... GUESS WHAT?!? I WON THE ONE TREE HILL/GAVIN DEGRAW CONTEST!!! So I will be recieving a call from Gavin on June 27 between 3-4 PM!!! I'm so excited! :) I will also be getting signed CD, picture and the OTH season 4 dvd! :)
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
Drinks Anyone?
Finally after a long time, I finally get there, and see him after over a year?!? We hang out and chill. I thought it was going to be awkard and we'd have nothing to talk about, but it turned out pretty well :) But later on one of his bff's from home came, and his sister shortly after, as I became the 4th wheel :-\ So by the end of the night 7:30 PM ish, we leave (Jon and his friend Justin?) had a dinner to go to. I was hoping he'd walk me to the train especially, since I may had had a little bit too much to drink, aww well :-\ It didn't make sense for him to walk me back anyways. But the night went well considerably. Hopeuflly we'll get to hang out again ;)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008

Thursday, June 5, 2008
3 is a magic number
Today's my first full day of work! I'm here bright and early, got into my cubicle at exactly 9AM. It's like a ghost town, there's nobody here! :-O Since I completed all my work from yesterday, I currently have nothing to do. Jerry and Elise aren't even here yet!
9:40 AM
Still kind of empty here, most people are here. However Reese still isn't here meaning... you've guessed it, there's nothing for me to do! I'm getting kind of bored here!
10:16 AM
So it continues...
Eventually Reese and Tricia came to me with stuff to do. I was working on stuff related to e-billing, it sounds like such a good idea as it not only saves time, but paper as well! Apparently they work for Duff and Phelps and are both from DC. They both fly into NY every week just to work, how crazy is that? Tricia only works here 3 days a week and Reese 4, that's not too bad I guess... Wow think about all that travelling!
So I finally got my books for Linear Algebra after much seeking. I initally went to the Borders on Pine & Broadway, however they only had the Schuam book... So in desparate need of the book, I went to the one in Columbus Circle. Not realizing how far the 59th Street Station on the 4/5 was I took it and walked the rest... It was an insane walk. I was told the store was on 59th & 8th, but I couldnt find it. The streets disappeared where the Time Warner Building was, so I circled the place, only finding myself at the LC campus. Evenually I called my mom, who got me the phone # of Borders. I called and found out it was in teh Time Warner Building the whole time, and I had circled it for no reason (it has the diameter of about 2 city blocks?), that wasn't fun... especially in heels and a suit. Then I couldnt find the math section in the store, eventaully I did, bought the book and called it a day.
Finally I got home around 9:30 PM. What a long day!
One, Two, What's there to do?
There was an orientation breakfast this morning. It was just for the legal department interns, apparently there will be 11 of us, however only 5 of us came to the breakfast. Apparently compliance is on the other side of the floor from me, and one of the guys at the breakfast interns there.
Joycelyn was in a meeting most of the day, so she couldnt give me any work to do. So after being bored for a while, I went to Jerry and asked if he needed any help. He told me to go ask if Reese or any of the other managers needed help. I went up to like 80% of my department and they all turned me down, nicely of course. There was this one lady.... that's an interesting story... I went up to her and asked her if she needed any help, she asked "administrative stuff", and i replied yes. She was like uhh no, oh you dont work for IT? I said no. The she goes, well I'm missing a dust pan (garbage pail).... So if you want to do that you can... I was like wow.... I was like I'm bored maybe someone has photocopying or something I can do, but seriously, looking for a garbage pan?!?
Linear was so easy today, it was just a review on matrices... EASY! OK maybe I'm being a little arrogant, but I was so bored. I'm pretty sure I not only learned this in Multi, but in Math Modelling as well.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A Day of Many Firsts
Today was my first day at AIG. I got to the AIG building, not the one where I work, but I guess the main AIG owned building in which they deal with human resources. I was there super early, and woke up super early... 6:15 AM to get there by 8:30 AM (I was 10 mins early and go there at 8:20...) I met with Justin (I was expecting Sue), filled out all my paperwork, then got "oriented." After the orientation, which was not what I had expected... (it was 3 new hires and the orientor) I went to get my ID card. OMG i look FAT in the picture! It's crazy!!!
I finally then proceeded to the building where I work. Joycelyn (pronounced Joyce-lin), my boss/supervisor, showed me around. The bathroom while it's in the office its in a separate hallway so you need an ID to get in and out of the hall way. After I had gotten situated Joycelyn already had work for me. I had to revise some of the testing documentation she had done. It was pretty interesting stuff, it was a combination of law, duh its the legal dept, math, and science to some extent. The testing of the legal parameters was done through sampling and testing, and then drawing conclusions. Who knew stuff from HS and college would actually would pay off?
I pretty much spent the whole day doing that, and finished right about 5PM! As I was on my way out waiting for the elevator, I see this guy who's standing in between these two sets of doors. Apparently he was stuck in there, so I tried to open them and he tried, but no luck :-\ I guess he was on his way to the bathroom and got stuck in there lol. I offered to buzz someone for him, but he said it was ok and left... I have to meet this guy, lol.
And off I was to find the Bowling Green station and on my way towards Hunter College for my first linear algebra class.
I just made it in time for class by 4 mins. Considering I had missed class yesterday for convocations, I didn't want to make myself obvious. I saw Sam and sat next to him. OMG i was soo lost and confused!!! But eventually I started to understand what we were talking about, after like 30 mins lol. We spent about an hour on homework, then he finally taught us something "new" - Matrices. I thought they were super easy as I had learned all about them in math modeling and multi. Soon enough class was over, after all it's only 1 hr 28 mins.
I stayed after class and talked to th teacher to see if I had enough of a background for the course since i haven't taken discrete or multi II. He said it would be hard but doable. After hearing more about the class and weighing my options (matrix algebra vs linear algebra). I think its definitely more beneficial to take linear algebra. At Fordham the linear class is all computational, so everyone says its super easy, this class is comparable to the matrix linear class at hunter. The linear class at hunter however, covers 1.5 as much as Fordham's class. The class covers more, involves proofs, and teaches you the theory behind the math.
This kid couldnt grasp the difference between an element and a subset, so a bunch of us tried explaining it to him for the longest time but it jsut didnt work :-\ So far the teacher seems really good and clear :) I think I'm going stick with the class. I figure having missed the class yesterday, and going from complete and utter confusion doing the hw last night, to somewhat grasping the concepts in about 1/2 hr in class today while others still couldnt, I'm doing ok comparatively.
And that's my day. Hopefully shopping w/ Melanie tomorrow!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Melanie won the "Spirit of Forensics Award!!!" Jon had asked me to help him present it to her but I guess not lol. She was soo surprised! I had a feeling she didn't know good thing I didnt say anything either lol.
I had received the "Outstanding Alumna Award!!!" Melanie gave a speech about me, it was soo sweet! I <3 Melanie Plaza!!!