This weekend was GWII, I rode down with Jayme, Lil Greg, Caitlin and Sarah. It was a fun ride, minus Jayme being a tad hung over and wanting to kill me for eating Reese Pieces - LOL. Apparently the other car - Andrew, Greg, Gareth, Robert and Emillie, didn't have such a good ride...
There was so much traffic on the highway that we got to GW just in time for Round 1. Lev was at the tournament, which was awesome, as I havent seen him since... convocations last summer?
Apparently Emillie was going to try to hook up w/ Michael Baer if he was to her standards... this could not be good...
I pro-am'ed with Jayme this weekend, which was a lot of fun! :)
Round 1
We had a pretty awesome chill judge, it was a dino named Ari, who really liked Boy Meets world and Jayme ;) That was a very fun round.
After Round 2, guess who showed up... MICHAEL! Apparently he did not meet up to Emillie's standards, she oddly enough did not think he was attractive... at all.
Then it was time for dinner, we went to this pretty good sandwich place, while Jayme had dinner w/ her friend Keggie - lol.
Round 3 rolled around and Jayme was nowhere in sight, not to mention my cell had died. We waited around for a while, but had to start the round. I was beginning to worry that I was going to have to iron man, make that I was worried. Eventually we just started the round, at least I was LO-ing. Finally, in the middle/end of my speech she finally came.
Finally it was PARTY TIME!!!!
Dan had gotten us a frat house, however the party was only ok. Rustin had come, so I got to chill w/ him for a while! :) Leave it to me to attract the 1 sketchy campus judge at the party... (the party was just APDA debaters). He kept trying to get me to drink some weird looking shot that looked like puke, then tried to get me to leave w/ him! "It's getting kind of loud, want to go somewhere?"
The story does get better... so after a while, I see Andrew frantically run outside followed by Gareth and Robert, apparently Emillie had left with JOHNNY MATHIAS... and was hooking up w/ him.... It was so ironic, as Emillie had said Michael Baer, who was ranked #1 on the Hott List and wanted by every girl and even straight guys on campus, was not up to par, and yet Johnny was... (No offense to Johnny, he's awesome!) After a while the team left, but I stayed. However Dan who was supposed to walk me back was going to Robbie's to party more... and I was not going to walk back alone to Dan's, especially since it was so far and i was not 100% sure where the location was. Luckily Adam, who had judged me in round 3, was nice enough to walk me back.
When we finally got back, Dan's roommate had all of his friends over in the living room area, so Adam and I just chilled in his room for a while. It was kind of weird as we didn'tknow who's bed we were sitting on... After a while, the rest of the team had finally showed up. Adam, left and we still awkwardly continued to chill in the bedroom.
Finally they left, and the roomie turned out be pretty cool.
Kind of dull, none of our teams broke, however Michael did promise a visit to Fordham since he broke our lunch date ;)
We headed to dinner at Sarah's house. Her mom made us lasagna :)
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