Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dinner w/ Garvin

Today I went to work as usual, it was a slow morning, followed by a busy afternoon. Max was out for the day, and Jim left relatively early - around 1 ish?

At 11 AM, I met with Paul Sinclair VP of Digital Media at Atlantic Records. He spoke to us at one of the intern events, however I wanted to speak to him individually as we have simliar backgrounds, and I figured he could help me figure out what I want to do with my life. When I got there, I couldnt get into the floor so I just stood around hoping someone would open it - AWKWARD... Eventually I got in and got to speak with Paul. I was telling him abut my background, and asked about his, we had a lot more in common than I had thought. He had a lot of questions about CHORUSS, the department/project that I'm working on. He had a lot of insight into the real world, and we had a lot to talk about in general. He even had a book suggestion for me. Unfortunately he had a meeting he had to get to, so we had to cut our meeting short. All in all, talking to him was very beneficial.

When I got back to work, it was still pretty boring. I later come to find out some of the guys that work at WMG that I had become friendly with were moving to the 7th floor (we're on the 12th).

Eventually Jordan came in, with cases that Jim wanted me to read. Jack also had the document that he wanted me to work on as well... Eventually I got all of that done by 5. I was supposed to meet Garvin for dinner at 7PM, and it takes less than 30 mins to get there, so I had to find something to occupy myself. Unfortunately 5:30 rolled around and I was bored out of my mind. I texted Garvin asking if we could meet at 6:30, to which he said was fine.

After work I met up w/ Andrew aka Garvin (my lab leader from camp) for dinner at S'mac. I got there 25 mins early, and he was a bit late, so I awkwardly stood outside for a while, then awkwardly sat inside alone waiting for a while, but when he came all was good again! Garvin actually picked the location. I didn't know he was the mac and cheese type! Dinner was awesome, we both ended up getting the Napolita mac and cheese, it was essentially pizza mac & cheese. We talked and caught up for a while, then headed out.

Garvin had us chasing a "Desserts Truck" for a while. Never thought I'd see the day when I was chasing a dessert truck, with Andrew Garvin of all people! The desserts were pretty awesome though! After we got the desserts, we ate them while walking to Garvin's place. On the way there we had the randomest conversations, one was about puppies vs kittens, and the other simply about how he was leading me down a dark alley way. The place looked a bit sketchy from the outside and lobby, but his studio was pretty nice.

It was a great night, and tons of fun!

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