Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Today Caitlin and I went to the St. Patrick's Day Parade. We met at the Met around 2 PM ish. Caitlin is one of my favorite people on the APDA circuit! We had always talked about meeting up, and I'm glad we finally did. The parade wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be but it was a lot of fun. I had never seen so many bag pipes in my life! I even saw Fordham marching in the parade!

After the parade I met up w/ Ganesh. As we were leaving the parade, we bumped into Jim - yes, Becky's Jim. That was interesting to say the least... Ganesh and I, 2 of the most indecisive people ever, could not figure out what we wanted to do and just walked around aimlessly. We passed soo many bars, filled with tons of cops and firemen. Caitlin mentioned how Ryne, her boyfriend, wanted to get green beers, so as we passed each bar, I looked in hoping to get a glimse of some green beer. We were pretty convinced it is just food coloring.

Eventually Ganesh and I started talking about Pi Day, and how neither of us had real pie on Pi Day, so we decided to look for pie. On the way we passed Dylan's Candy Bar, suprisingly I had never been there and suggested we go. The place had so much candy, and was AMAZING!!! I ended up getting some Pop Rocks and Mint Chocolate Chip soft candy. We were a little skeptical of the Mint Chocolate Chip candy, but it was really good, and actually tasted like the ice cream! :)

After some more walking we came across a Johnny Rockets, and knew they would have apple pie there! We went in and got some chilli fries and apple pie a la mode! yum!!! :)

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