Saturday, March 7, 2009

Black Knight Invitational

This past weekend was West Point's tournament the Black Night Invitational (BKI)!

Day 1
It started off with me leading a group on the Metro North to the Garrison, proceeded by Micah picking us up and driving like a crazy person!

We finally got to the hotel, or should i say motel, we were staying at the West Point Motel. The motel, reg, everything was a bit sketchy. The boys were conducting reg from the confines of one of the rooms... it was a bit weird to say the least. Once we were done we checked out the rooms, which smelled kind of funny, and were kind of gross. Eventually the rest of the crew had come, apparently Andrew somehow ended up in Jersey... while West Point is north....? Oh Andrew.

Then we went to "post" and I got to see everyone! :) It was good to see the whole WP ensemble, as you don't see them all together very often. You'll never guess who one of my judges was... ROSS! What are the chances of that? He was originally supposed to judge us in Round 1, but that got messed up, and here he was in Round 3 judging us.

We had a few rounds, dinner, and then went back to housing.

Day 2

Around 6:50 AM we get a wake up phone call. Me thinking it was one of our teammates calling Jayme and I cuz we were late, run across the room 1/2 asleep to answer the phone. Turns out it was Jim thinking he was being funny, not cool Jim. After a short breakfast we headed back to post.

After round 5, we went on a tour of the campus led by Kyle and Joe, which was tons of fun, as I knew them both. The tour was good, but definitely not as extensive as the one I had been on last year or the one w/ Jim a few weeks ago. Soon enough we were at the banquet. We had the pleasure of having Tyger Tuff Lyons sit with us at our table! I love that kid, hes awesome!

Before breaks were read, I handed Kyle (equity officer of the tournament) my EOF violation.

It stated:
There were three sketchy guys at the West Point Motel, they invited me into their room which was dark, creepy, and sketchy...

It was 3 West Point cadets...

conducting reg
They loved it, well Mrs. Meyer did at least! ;)

After breaks were read, we rushed back to GA to get out of there, but had missed the train and had to wait for Micah to drive us. Eventually he got us and drove us to the station, and we were on our way home.

On the way home we had to transfer at the Harlem station. While we were there, you'll never guess who we saw... CONNOR! What are the chances of that? Apparently he was coming back from seeing his friend, and was getting on the train back to Fordham w/ us.

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