Sunday, April 19, 2009

UMCP Tournament / Spring Preview


I was just in MD for the past two days for the UMCP tournament.

I traveled for oh 17 hours-8.5 hrs each way, and was there for less than a day, maybe 16 hrs top? I left Fordham at 4, right after class, traveling with a duffel bag, brownies and a plant in hand. I got to Penn Station for the 5:30 bus to DC, but got there around 5, as they said we should. Turns out the bus was 1/2 hour late, so we didn't leave until a little after 6 PM... The bus was filled, and they had to turn people away. I didn't get to DC until close to midnight, and not to UMCP until 12:30 if not later, my cell phone had died. From DC, I had to take the metro from their chinatown to the College Park metro station, and a shuttle bus to the Student Center from there. However I did meet a nice girl on the bus! :) She walked me to the Metro station and even offered to let me stay w/ her if i coudlnt get in touch w/ anyone. While taking the shuttle bus, i met a cute "wilderness paramedic," Alex, who gave me his # :)

The tournament had been done for a while by the time I got there, and everyone was at Johnny Mathias' place for the party. Marisol had told me that Ali would come get me, however, it did not seem like it. Turns out Matt Katz had come to get me, which was awesome! Eventually I had got there, however most of the Fordham team (minus Greg and Emillie) had left already :( I stayed for a bit, but would have preferred to have been w/ the rest of the team. Soon after the party had gotten broken up by the cops... Luckily cops at UMCP only break up parties and possibly fine you but thats about it.

I finally got back to housing and saw MATT SPOTTS!!! I haven't seen him in forever, as he is studying to be a Jesuit in Detroit, MI. He's teh only reason I made the trip down.

The next morning I judged like 2 rounds, and that was it. I got to see Victorio, so that was cool.

So when I finally got to the tournament, I learned that I would not be able ride back w/ the team and needed to find an alternate way home. I asked Sarah and Liz Zahler from NYU, how they were getting home, to see if I could take the train home with them. Apparently they had driven up. So after the team had left, I had thanked Liz for giving me a ride, and she said "yeah... about that...., we need to talk about that."

I was a bit bummed that the whole team was going to Sarah's after the tournament, but w/e there wasn't anything I could do about it.

Freaking out as we're walking to the car, I get a lecture from liz. Basically she was upset, cuz she felt that she was cohersed into giving me a ride back to NYC, I should've not been baking on them, and that if I needed a ride I should've asked sooner.... First, I didn't find out til I got my phone on (I had to stand in the corner of the metro station like a sketchy person to charge it) and I wasn't going to ask at the party - that would've been awkward. Second, I was not relying on them for a ride, I initialy asked them thinking they were taking the bus and wanted to take the bus home w/ them, and said I would've taken the bus home if necessary.

The car ride was not as bad or awkward as I had anticiapted thankfully! We were making good time, until we got stuck in Lincoln Tunnel traffic for 2 HOURS!!!

Eventaully I got home at 12:30 yet again, another 6.5 hrs travelling. Some how the team had gotten back an hour before me, while leaving the same time as us, and going to Sarah's for dinner?!? At least I got to see Matt Spotts.

Spring Preview
Today was Spring Preview. It was sort of a bust, as it was in the Ramskellar this year, and not many people made it down there as a result.

I saw Sean Frey, who I met in a car when Jan Michael drove me to Fordham from Big Bronx last year (Oct 2007). I gave Sean and his mom a tour and chilled w/ them for a while and called it a day.

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