Friday, April 17, 2009


Today I had my interview for my internship w/ the US Embassy, with a formder FBI agent and more importantly Fordham alum Bob Flaherty. The interview was more of a Q&A of questions that had been asked on my application.

The interview took place at Bob's friend, get seen who was a dentist's office. It was a bit awkward, as I walked into the office, clearly not there for the dentist as I was in a suit... So they asked who I was there to see. Once I told her that I was there to see Bob, she went into the back, and he came out to interview me.

Bob turned out to be very nice, and the interview was not intimidating at all!

Then I went to head toward the ticket place (which was near Penn Station) to get a ticket for my trip to UMCP later. On the way there I was in Times Square and realized that E&Y was in that area, and decided to send Ed Fitz a text. We met up and talked for a little while, then I was on my way to Penn station to get a ticket. On the way there, near Penn Station I bumped into Gurv, an HR intern at WMG with me. We talked for a bit, it was cool cuz I had never really talked to him before. After much confusion I had finally made it to the bus ticket place, and bought a ticket. The office was actually across the street from Penn Station.

Later I met up w/ Kat for lunch, I was a bit late from our orignal time, but luckily she had not gotten there yet either. Lunch was nice to catch up.

I got my stuff all packed, minus the food.

Off to the Chinatown bus once class is over!

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