Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Today was super hectic. In addition to having 2 midterms, I had 4 events tonight.

I started off the morning waking up around 8 and studying for "Modern Operation Management" (MOM), which turned out to be a pretty easy test. Then I headed to "Ethics in Business," lunch, proceeded by more studying and my Corporate Financial Policy test, which was super hard. After that I went to "Investments and Securities."

After that I headed to the 1st Annual CBA Advisory Panel, which was kind of boring, but I did get to meet Christine Driessen, the CFO of ESPN! That was really exciting! Then it was off to debate, followed by a club appreciation dinner, and our "O'Hare Fresh Air" program, which was very successful.

I did not get back until 11:15PM ish... and I had left my room around 9:45... AM

Today was busy, but at least all of those events are over!

1 day til Easter Break!

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