Friday, January 30, 2009

NYU Tournament

Today is NYU, should be fun. Not sure what I'm doing afterwards. It think Jayme and I are going to head to Jim's party.


NYU was fun, got to see some friends! I was not put in for round 1 because JH said I was late. So he decided to put me in as the back-up judge, which meant sitting around. Since a back-up judge wasn't needed I was sitting in GA and was bored out of my mind; at least I made some new friends! :)

I then judged round 2 - CS: should the US unilaterally lift the embargo on cuba?
round 3 - should we close guantanama bay?

After rounds were over for the night, Jayme and I went to meet Jim at a club him and his friends had rented out. Unfortunately the boys forgot to check that they would be able to get in if they were under 21... so we headed back to the flat they had rented out. the place was pent house apt, which was pretty sweet. We stayed for a little while but then had to get back before the ram vans stopped running. The ride back took forever, we had to take a cab to the train, then train to LC to get the Ram Van. I'm so happy i didn't have to do that alone!

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