Thursday, May 7, 2009


This morning Jenny went to the hospital for exhaustion. Last night she came to my room around 2 AM, and looked like DEATH! So I told her to sit on my chair, where she proceeded to tell me how her legs felt like jello, and she couldn't stand up. So I told her to sit and get some sleep, but she refused, and requested that I get Andrei to make her coffee... After some arguing, we walked over, I had to guide her, if I did not know any better I'd say she was super drunk. So I dropped her off on the couch that was randomly in the hallway, and went to Andrei. There was no way that we were goign to give her any coffee, so we talked and hoped that she'd fall asleep. No luck, she came and knocked on the door.

After much arguing, she agreed she needed to go to bed. I guided her back to her room. When we got to her room, I went to open the door, she immediately fell to the floor and couldnt get up... So she had to crawl back into her room, since I couldn't pick her up. Finally after many calls/texts, John Hinke came and help us, he lifeguarded Jenny to her bed, and put her on her bed.

By that time Jenny was really bad, hadno energy and had the chills, it was as if she was having seisures...

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