Saturday, February 7, 2009

Scarsdale Tournament

Today was the Scarsdale tournament. I missed the 7:12 Metro North to White Plains, I was running and just missed the train. I heard and saw it. I guess I'm still just as slow as I was with the cast - lol.

After missing the train, and realizing the next train would get me to the Scarsdale station at 8:09 (I had to be there at 8), I texted Jon to see if I should take cab since the school wasn't too far away. He said yes, so I flagged down a gypsy cab. Only having the address of the school, the first thing I asked was if they driver had a GPS or not. The 2nd cab I flagged said he had one and showed it to me, so I got in... only to realize that he did not have the power cord, and the GPS was not working.

After a while it was pretty clear the driver was lost. He did stop at just one but 3 different gas stations in hopes of trying to buy the power cord, which the gas stations did not have. Eventually over an hour later, we got to the high school... at 8:30.

I ran in thinking I was super late, but it turned out I only had a flight B round. We actually finished the round fairly early as there was nobody in the room before us. For those of you who don't know, the Scarsdale tournament format consists of 2 flights for every round. Flight A is novice rounds judged by varsity competitors, while flight B is varsity rounds judged by people like me, judges or coaches.

At the judges lounge, I bumped into Salil, and met some alumni from Hen Hud (Emily, who I had definitely judged before at Big Bronx, and Nicole) and Eric Perelman who thought we had debated together in 2005 - lol. Soon after you'll never believe who came by.... Brian Kwik and Jon Gordon, who everyone was super suprised to see.

I judged round 4, round 5 and octas. In Octas I judged Ben from Newburgh Free Academy, who I've judged quite a few times, against a girl from Timothy Christian, on a panel with George King and Sabrina Concepcion. It turned out to be a 2-1 for Ben. I had convinced Sabrina to come chill w/ us in the judges lounge w/ everyone. Sabrina, Salil, and I were not juging quarters so we decided to chill and NOT watch rounds. We watched awards to find out if we were judging semis, in which we werent. Having sit around for all this and not judging we began to get restless. After some negotiation we were allowed to leave. I got a ride back with Sabrina.

I'm happy I decided to go, I made some money and new friends! :)

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