Friday, February 6, 2009


Today I finally got my cast taken off!!!

The whole process was pretty quick, Mommy and I got there at 8, and were out of there by 8:21! The lady called my name and then took me into a room, followed by the open area to get my cast taken off. Next Dr. Shapiro came to talk and take the cast off. He stuck a wide, flat stick (similar to a ruler) down the side of my cast. Then he took this scary buzz saw and cut the cast on top of the ruler thing. It was terrifying. Matt from work study had told me not to be scared, but it was a legit buzz saw. Then within a matter of seconds, like 2 minutes, the cast was off. I got another x-ray, and I was good!

My wrist felt soo funny after the cast came off, but I'm so happy it's off. Now I have a splint that comes on and off. Hopefully I'll have full motion soon.

Back @ Fordham
I rushed back to school, and made it just in time to get a quick bite at the Grille and head to Financial Engineering class.

Tonight was the auction. We made over $8,000!!! Not as high as we had hoped, but still very good! :)

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