Saturday, March 7, 2015

SASF Step Competition

Clipboard & Scorecards, ready to judge!
Today I was a judge at the SASF Step Competition at New Explorers High School in the Bronx. I was super excited when Deb from Sports & Arts in Schools Foundation (SASF) had asked me to judge - I never stepped, but always thought it was very cool and was happy to volunteer to judge!

When I arrived at the school, I had met a few of the other judges, who were all very nice and had done step in the past.  I was responsible for judging the teams based on "attire." Thank goodness, because I am not the most knowledgeable on stepping.

There were two different competitions, the "beginner" competition and the "advanced" competition.  Let me just say, all of the acts were AMAZING! 

By the end of the competition I was wanting to learn how to step and had one of the judges teach me!

Champions Council volunteering at the SASF Step Competition
Judges - Take 1
Judges - Take 2

Congratulations to all the teams on a job well done!

Winners of the beginner competition

Winners of the Advanced Competition

1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of the advanced competition

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