Thursday, August 1, 2013

7 Pretty Women's New Spokesperson

I am so excited and honored to announce that I have been asked to be a spokesperson for 7 Pretty Women!

Here's a bit more about what they do from their website (
7prettywomen™ is a women-led company comprised of women just like you, who know that we have traveled a long journey to get to where we are today, to earn what we’re worth and own what we want.  In addition to helping you create a uniquely-you business, if you find yourself seeking more fulfillment in any of the 7 aspects of relationship, health, balance, business, happiness, leadership, or motherhood, we offer you the support to work through, push past, and accomplish whatever goals you set out to achieve. 
With the experience of our heart-centered team of talented experts you’ll not only have all the tools required to build a unique, profitable, leveraged and sustainable business in today’s environment – we’ll literally take the guess work out for you.  Because as a woman, wife, business owner, mom, you have a lot going on.  We’ll make sure you have what you need to remain focus, balanced and vibrant!  Let us help you design a beautiful, self-expressed stamped business so that you can ultimately live tha life you love and reclaim the freedom to do what you love, like spending more time with the ones you love 
“How important it is to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes.” ~ Maya Angelou
We envision a world where women reach their fullest potential, build a community of like-minded women to lead, mentor and create a domino effect that will empower girls and young women for generations to come.

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