Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nats 2011 at West Point

This past weekend (Friday-Sunday) was APDA Nationals at the United States Military Academy at West Point.  The weekend was tons of fun but super exhausting as well.  I helped out al ot more than I should have, lol.  I finally caught up on sleep today!!!

The weekend was great, I got to see a lot of my friends and made a ton of new ones.

Friday night I went to be at 4:45 AM and somehow woke up at 8 PM and on Saturday I went to bed around 6 AM and woke up at 10 AM.  Needless to say I was exhausted Sunday morning - which is a rare stage to see me in.

Some highlights of the weekend:
  • Fun train ride up to West Point with Faye, Greg and Ryne
  • Playing with guns!

  • Bull riding with Em in our skirts
  • Banquet with some hiliarious senior speeches and wearing my old my prom dress
  • Colin trying to hit on me
  • Dealing with a very drunk Harry Murphy - Murphy's Mission.  A large and in charge drunk Harry had fallen asleep in Matt Katz's bed, could not be woken up.  After a longgg time and lots of nudging, we finally managed to wake him up.  We eventually got him to Matt's car where he drove him to his hotel.  However once we got there, we weren't sure exactly what his room number was.  We walked to the room, then tried the key, however it did not work.  We continued to try the next 7 doors, none of which worked.  We then headed back to the car, when Bear decided that Harry could just crash in their room.  We drove back and he just passed out on a recliner.  Oh Harry!
  • Tyger teaching me how to 2 step in the TOC room
  • Fun car ride with Tyler to the train station

Overall, a great weekend!  Great job West Point Speech & Debate!

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