Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break in Boston

I went to Boston for a few days, including St. Patrick's Day, during spring break this past week.  I arrived on Wednesday and left on Saturday.  I got to see a lot of good friends who I havent seen in a while, so that was nice!

I left Wednesday after work with Bob (debate friend from West Point) and arrived in Boston around 6:30 PM and headed downtown to see John.  I hadn't seen John since we were in Nassau!  We went out for sushi at this cute little restaurant not too far from the Sheraton.

Thursday - St. Patrick's Day
I was waiting for a while for Bob and Marianna (co-intern at the UN) to arrive...  They both finally arrived around noon.  Marianna was super exhausted when she arrived and 180 from her normal cheery self, so she headed to Connor's place first, while Bob and I wandered around Boston.

We walked around Boston/Downtown and followed the Freedom Trail, which is a red brick road that goes throughout the city hitting the major landmarks.  We stopped at the North End and got cannolis from Mike's Pastry, which were amazing!  We then stopped by this cute little Irish pub/restaurant where I got a green beer and corned beef!  I also learned that GERMAN BEER IS TERRIBLE!!!
We then headed back to the hotel, I said my farewells to John and we headed to my friend Connor's apartment.  When Connor finally returned from class we headed out to Newbury Street, however there was nothing going on, so we headed to Faneuil Hall, which was a bit more lively, but nowhere as crazy as it is in NY.  We ended up going to a bar, where I got a green drink - I think it was an appletini?  It was yummy!

When we got back we chilled, and then tried to get a pizza.  Would you believe places close in Boston?  You would think they would have one 24 hour place near a college campus.  After much searching we found a pizza place that would deliver to us.  1.5 hrs later, we finally got our pizza... at 3 AM!

We hit up Harvard Square and got lunch at this awesome place "Charley's Kitchen" per Erica, Wes and Josh's suggestions.  Despite what Bob and Connor thought, I successfully ate an entire double cheeseburger, which was delicious!  While we were there, Connor and I tried calling a bunch of the mutual Fordham friends we had.  Of course we called none other than... JOHN MUNJOLI!!!  We were lucky enough to have Josh grace us with his presence, and of course he skateboarded over!

We then headed to Long Warf - Boston Harbor, which was very quaint, the headed to the "Top of the Hub" in the Prudential Center.  The place was located on the 52 floor and had a gorgeous view overlooking all of Boston.  After some drinks, we headed to the Cheesecake Factory and met up with none other than JAKE and RYAN!!!  I had not seen Jake since Nats last year, so that was a nice surprise!

We got a ton of awesome cheesecakes - Reeses, Strawberry and Banana Cream.  Jake was the only one to finish both his dinner and his cheesecake!  We then headed to Ryan's where we played some games and celebrated his new job!

We went to Joe's Bar and Grille for Brunch where we got mimosas - Connor and Bob's first! :)  Then headed to South Station for the bus home.  We actually made good time and made it in a little under 4 hours!

I got Krispy Kreme donuts!

I had a great time in Boston!!!  Thank you Connor for being such a great host, taking us around and letting us crash at your place and giving up your bed; Jake, Josh and Ryan for coming out and seeing me; Bob and Marianna for making the trip out with me!!!

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