Sunday, March 13, 2011

My First Pageant!!!

Today I tried something new and competed in my first pageant(s)--the Miss Manhattan/NYC/Southeast NYC Pageant and the Miss Metropolitan/Greater Gotham/Liberty Pageant.  It was a "super pageant," two pageants in a row.

The pageant was a lot of fun and definitely not what you see on TV.  The girls were super cool and some of them were really smart and soo sweet!

The pageant was your standard pageant with an interview, swim suit, on stage question and evening gown portion.  I got asked the most obscure and most irrelevant questions.  At the first pageant my question was:
Fill in the rest of this sentence:  "I am most afraid of..."
To which I answered something to the effect of
"I am most afraid of... jumping off buildings because I'm afraid of heights!"
During the second pageant, I was asked
Hoarders has been a huge phenomenon, are you a hoarder or a tosser?
To this I answered something like:
I think it's important to save the important things that have special memories, but the stuff that doesnt... it's gotta go!
I got some laughs with both responses, so I guess that was good! :)

I even made a new friend - Nardeen, who actually won Miss Greater Gotham!

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