Sunday, December 5, 2010

World in 2011 Festival

Yesterday I went to the World in 2011 Festival, which was a day consisting of mostly paneled discussions.  I was lucky enough to interview:

  • Matthew Bishop (The Economist) on Philanthrocapitalism
  • Zainab Salbi on Women's Rights
  • Matthew Valenza (The Economist) on Finance
  • Greg Ip (The Economist) on the Economy
  • Kah Wallah (Cameroon Presidential Candidate) on Women's Rights
  • Mu Sochua (Cambodian Parliament) on Women's Rights
  • Admiral Gary Roughead (US Navy) on War Operations
  • Nick Shore (MTV) on the Millennium Generation
  • Kal Gallagher (The Economist) on Political Cartoons
The interviews will be posted on my page on

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