Sunday, December 19, 2010

Birthday Weekend!!!

This past Friday was my birthday!!!  Thanks to everyone who came out, I had an amazing time!!!


I started off the night at Room Service with about a dozen friends for some Thai food and cool exotic drinks.  I had something like... "Frosted Night in Bangkok in the Winter" or something, and they had other fun drinks like "Do Not Disturb" going with the hotel theme.  The venue was very cute.

Afterwards, we went to "Agua Dulce" which was a very cute venue, a lot of people came out including a bunch from GBA.  We had a bunch of drinks, needless to say they got me drunk... but that's not too hard to do!

Finally after we closed out the restaurant, we went to Coppersmith's for more drinks!  Torres was super sweet and drove all the way back after driving Amarelis home to drive Adge and me home!  (Torres if you're reading this, you rock!)

All in all it was an AMAZING night, I feel soo loved and lucky to have such amazing friends! In all honesty, I was super happy that so many people from the different stages of my life came out, especially my GBA friends (I have real GBA friends!)  You guys are the best!!! <3


I met up with my bff Steph for lunch at Celsius and finally met her bf Scott, who I totally approve of!  Then we went to get Crumbs, went to see the tree, had Dunkin Donuts, where we split the cupcakes - boy was that fun, and then went to look at the display windows.  Then the 'rents came to pick me up after J-Dawg was done at Regis.

We then went to dinner at Cascarinos and ice cream cake at our house! :)

Great weekend!

Thanks to my wonderful family and friends! :)

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