Sunday, January 31, 2010


 This past weekend the team (Meg, Caitlin, Gareth, Robert, Laura) and I went to Northams - the North American Championships at York University in Toronto, CA.

It was a longgg drive up there.  We left after the meeting on Thursday night, stayed over some weird place in upstate NY near the Canadian border, and then finally arrived to the Holiday Inn around 2 PM on Friday.  Needless to say, it was a long drive...  We finally got to the tournament, and EVERYONE was there, well a lot of my old friends who I havent seen in a long time.  :)

I judged a few good rounds, I judged 1/2 Canadian Teams and 1/2 American Teams, however all the panels I was consisted of me being the only American, which was cool.  I made a ton of new Canadian friends!  I got to judge a few teams who broke and a bubble round.  I even helped set up 2 guys ;)

Friday night was lots of fun, I partied w/ a bunch of people from APDA.  Apparently the tournament party sucked.  My team was being lame and most of them went to bed, Kyle and Liam were very disappointed at this sate of my team.  However after much nagging we finally got Gareth and Robert to join us :)

Saturday night after the banquet, which kind of sucked, I chilled w/ the team, who gave me a super hard time about wearing shorts... it's not like I was going to leave the hotel...  After that I ended up hanging out with some kids from UBC, and Matt Scarola and a whole crew after that.  I met a few new people, and made good decisions (although I wish I had made some bad ones w/ my crush... aww well).

By the end of the tournament we couldn't wait to get home to good ole USA.  On the way home we stopped at Cracker Barrel for lunch :)


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