Sunday, October 23, 2011

Yale IV 2011

Just got back from a fun weekend at the Yale IV!  It was a good weekend - Silly Yale Tab Staff had me chairing all my panels... LOL.  I saw some good rounds and some not so good rounds.  Good times!

My favorite round has to be - This house believes politicians should be allowed to become lobbyists and vice versa.

The first half was terrible, but the 2nd half - two Vermont teams were really good.  The Government Member had me shedding a tear and his speech really made me love America! :)

The party was at a frat house - very Rutgers-esque and similar to any RU party, was broken up by the cops lol.

Unfortunately, the team was being lame and left early... along with the key to get back onto campus...  So... me being me and slightly out of it, attempted to climb the very large gate to get into Old Campus.  However Paul and Gabe did not think I could do it and flipped out before I could make up and over..

And of course some of my fav people who I had not seen in a while came/did not expect to see were at the IV, including Ellie, JJ, Michael and Andrew!

All in all - great weekend!

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