Monday, January 31, 2011

First Day at the UN

Today was my first day at my internship at the UN!

I met a bunch of interns this morning at orientation, surprisingly I was the only local and even more surprisingly, they only American!  How insane is that?

What will I be doing at the you ask?  Well I'll be working in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) under the Communication and Information Management Systems (CIMS).  This entails writing official newsletters, alerts, feature articles, and other things posted directly on their website!  How cool is that?

My supervisor is pretty cool, he took me out for lunch at the caf today, where we talked about Shaun White and the X-Games!

Aside from that I didn't do too much today, just learning about my responsibilities.

Afterwards, however I bumped into a large protest in support of the anti-egyptian government movement.

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