Monday, June 14, 2010

1st Day at the SEC

Today was my first day working at the SEC.  We were in Orientation for most of the day - filling out paper work, being oriented and waiting to be sworn in.  Apparently I was different from the other interns in the sense that I was assigned with headquarters versus the NY Regional Office (NYRO).  I was oriented with 3 other interns - Katherine, Pat and Damian, all of which seem pretty cool.  I felt really old as I was the only college graduate there...

After waiting for a while I was finally sworn in by Bruce, my supervisor.   I am sitting on the 17th floor outside another supervisor, Ken's office. 

I also met Tristan, another intern in the Asset Management Unit.  He seems pretty cool so far, hes in a similar boat to me, in that he graduated this spring and will be starting law school in the fall.  Apparently he started 2 weeks ago and went to Brown.

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