Friday, December 18, 2009

Birthday Celebration Part 1

Last night we (Chrissy, Hannah, Ganesh, Rebecca and I) went to Serendipity for dinner. I got cheese ravioli and a frozen hot chocolate! :) It was the weirdest combo of people, but still tons of fun. Hannah was on the debate team with me in HS, Ganesh was on the math team, and we had tons of classes together in HS, but he was in a different circle, Rebecca was my roomie at VBI (debate camp), and Chrissy, well she's my cousin.

Afterwards Ganesh and I headed to Celsius at Bryant Park, where we met up with Ashley and Jackie. I got carded for my first official drink as a 21 year old!!! I had a Snow White - Kahlua, hazelnut, vanilla, steamed milk and whipped cream, which was awesome, it was a warm alcoholic drink, who knew those existed. Later Torres showed up followed by Caitlin, Frank and his new GIRLFRIEND!

We then went to Friday's after, where I got the coolest cotton candy drink! :)

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