Monday, July 13, 2009


Today was a usual boring Monday, until... I got news that the Marines would be having a drill today, and I would get to be an intruder aka BAD GUY!

Kishawn, Alex, Tonya and I were all bad guys and had to find places to hide. Alex and I were told we were not wearing enough clothes to get weapons?

The boys did not find me, they actually stood a few inches away from me and walked right past me. :) I was hiding under these big boards that were up against the wall (that formed a triangle of sorts which I hid in, which had the podium in front of it.

Kishawn was the 1st to be found and died, next was Alex, then me. Tonya was not found.

Eventually in their 2nd run of the place they found me, I ran from the hall into the Spiers room, into the kitchen where I was cornered by Ray and Andres who both had guns. Ray got me to the floor and handcuffed me. However he failed to tighten them and my hands came out - lol.

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