Sunday, February 27, 2011

Rutgers Weekend

This past weekend I was Rutgers, judging at yet another tournament, only this time it was an APDA tournament and it was unpaid.  However, I did get to spend time with some of my favorite people! :)

The tournament was lots of fun, and boy did we party hard on Friday night... that is until the cops came...  All in all it was a good weekend! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend in Scarsdale

This past weekend I judged at Scarsdale for their annual HS debate tournament.  I had a great time with Andy and Andrew, especially Friday night!  I also got to see a lot of the awesome Bronx Science team which I LOVE!  You would not believe how many times I got asked "Are you judging at Harvard?" and getting sad faces when I said no.  I feel so loved! :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1st Article Post!!!

My first article was posted on the UN's website!!!

Check it out:

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Green Bay Packers Win Superbowl XLV

Green Bay Packers win against the Pittsburgh Steelers: 31-25

Half-Time Show was pretty good.  Black Eye Peas performed, followed by a duet of Slash and Fergie "Sweet Child of Mine," Usher singing "Oh My God," and BEP finishing off with "Where is the Love?"

Super Bowl XLV

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

Pittsburgh Steelers vs Green Bay Packers

Who are you rooting for?

Personally I'm indifferent.

Check out this awesome video from Conan, perhaps the best thing ever!!!